In 2001, Russel Crowe and Jennifer Connelly appeared in the movie A Beautiful Mind. The film chronicled the tortured but ultimately triumphant love story between mathematicians Alicia Nash and her schizophrenic husband, John Nash. Anyone who has had a loved one suffer with mental illness knows the anguish wanting desperately to help but also feeling completely powerless before the disease... watching your own life pulled apart by the illness of the person you love.
There is a scene in the movie where Russell Crowe's character almost accidentally drowns his infant son in the bathtub because of his delusions. His wife is now at her wits end and gets in the car to leave her husband and the insanity behind. But he pleads with her to stay and there is the powerful and touching conversation between the two. She says "I need to believe that something extraordinary can happen."
That is what I hope this blog and the ministry of West County Fellowship will be about: holding out an extraordinary hope. Its not that the people of West County Fellowship are extraordinary... in fact, we are quite ordinary folk in many ways... but even ordinary people need extraordinary hope. And these ordinary people in turn are holding out this extraordinary hope to others who need it.
This blog will often follow the sermon series at West County Fellowship, elaborating on ideas from those messages. Sometimes we will discuss the things that matter to us as a ministry or just give updates on events. But it is our design that this will be a forum where you can hear about the extraodinary hope the God offers in the life, death and resurrection of Christ as well as asks questions and react to the things you read. We "hope" you will find it encouraging and perhaps even life changing!